Our staff has many years of experience providing high quality, close tolerance metallurgically correct powder metal products for the MIM (Metal Injection Molding) industry.

At AMS we process parts in a vacuum sintering furnace built to our high standards creating a consistent process resulting in very low part to part variation as well as the best possible metallurgy for your printed parts.


AMS provides Debind and Sinter services to the Additive Manufacturing powder metal FFF and Binder Jet technologies requiring full density and high temperature Sintering.

Using our 20+ years of experience in Metal Injection Molding, you can expect the utmost in quality and part to part repeatability from your supplied printed parts.

Quality Verification

We perform density and digital microscopy image verification on your finished sintered products, if you require.


Debind – Sinter

Our goal is to achieve the highest quality sintering process. We sinter in a vacuum furnace that has been validated to a better than +/- 2°C accuracy. This will result in excellent part to part dimensional consistency, as well as the best possible metallurgical properties for your supplied powder metal printed parts.

Lab Sinter Verification Capabilities

At your request, using a part or supplied test sample from your sinter run we can perform a density verification as well as produce a digital Microscopy image for further metallurgical analysis.


At AMS we are here to post process for you long term, or just help bridge the gap before acquiring your own in-house capability.

Please call to discuss your project,
or send us your information on the form below.
